Archive for the 'Bronchial' Category

Bronchial infection information with Tom Dedant

Wednesday, April 26th, 2006

Aloha HealthSmart Radio listeners,

Welcome to my first blog experience. My sister Keriann has been urging (okay really the word I want to use is bugging) me to start putting my notes up here so all, including the store staff can know what we discussed on the current day’s program.

Today’s program was a repeat of 4/18 in which Tom Dedant from Planetary Formulas and I discussed bronchial infections. It was an extremely informative and appropriate program given the fact that we/I have been seeing so many customers, friends, and family members suffer from deep coughs that persist for weeks, not just here in Hawaii, but according to Tom, nationwide. Here are some of the products we discussed on the program and how they may help. And remember, anytime you would like to order a copy of a program, you just need the tape date, and you can call Renee at the radio station 808-524-1080 and request one. There is a small charge but I believe it’s under $10.

Old Indian Wild Cherry Bark Syrup: A wonderful, effective, not so pleasant tasting syrup that has been used for centuries to assist specifically non-productive coughs. These are dry coughs in which the lungs are not producing enough sputum to expel the irritant that may be caught in the lungs. It helps to bring balance back to the lungs. Mildly expectorant in nature, it helps the lungs to create moisture so the irritant can become engulfed in the mucous and expelled. Can also be used for “dry throat” experiences such as for people who have been talking for a while and the voice gets hoarse or dry.

Cordyceps Power: For cases when person is having a difficult time breathing in.

Mullein Lung Complex: For cases when person is having a difficult time breathing out.

Echinacea, Goldenseal, Olive Leaf with Andrographis: For really difficult coughing and infections of the lungs.

Obviously there was a lot more information given about the lungs, bronchi, and other lung infections. There was a discussion about the pros and cons of using antibiotics for infections.

Till the next blog,

Listen Now:

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