Little known Omega 7 may be just as important as those other more “Famous” fatty acids, 3-6-9.

Boy was I in the dark!

My sister, Hot Fudge, brought in a new product from New Chapter called “Omega 7″  months ago.  I never bothered to read the bottle to find out what it was for, I just thought it was their fancy name for their brand of fish oils.  But, No…..this Omega 7 is a totally different class of Omega’s and although I am taking a good quality fish oil, extra DHA  and Krill Oil…I’m not getting any Omega 7.

Omega 7 helps to strenghthen the mucousol membranes of our body.  This includes the throat, GI tract, and the urogenital tract.  It slows down internal and skin aging and helps to stimulate the regenesis of new skin cells.  So, if you suffer from skin issues such as ROSACEA, wrinkies, burns, eczema, or psoriasis, Omega 7 is meant for you.

Omega 7 is also indicated for the GI tract.  So if you suffer from ulcers, perforations caused by inflammation, diverticulitis, chron’s disease, sensitive colon, or any other stomach and colorectal issue, do your homework and see if Omega 7 can benefit you.

As for urogenital issues, he made it sound like vaginal dryness in post-menopausal women are a thing of the past with the use of Omega 7.

Yolanda over at the Ala Moana store has been using it and she loves it….although I can’t really get her to pinpoint why she loves it so I tease her and say, “ohh, it stopped your vaginal dryness, huh?”  She said, “No, I don’t have that problem!”  She didn’t think it was funny :)   Obviously, I still think it is :)

We also briefly touched on a product that was previously named “Smoke Shield” and is now their antioxidant product.  Anyone who smokes, or is concerned about lung cancer will appreciate the information he shares with us at the end.

This program is definitely worth listening to…even though I can’t stand to listen to myself on these programs, I may have to listen to it as well.


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